New images of the "reshaped" Air Max 1

  • air-max-1-reshape

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I had already written a short post about the "new" or "old" shape (as you see it) at the beginning of December and more pictures of the "reshaped" Air Max 1 have been circulating on the net for a few days now.

Contrary to many opinions in the groups, I don't think the new pictures are that bad. Of course the proportions are not right, the Air bubble is much too small compared to the original and the midsole also looks strange. But: Mudguard and Toebox are absolutely acceptable for me. And those of you who are bothered by the small dents on the toebox, which can be seen in the following pictures, should perhaps consider that the shoes are most likely stuffed with paper ;-)Be that as it may, the pictures still show the first production samples, so I think we should just wait a little until the first releases are officially announced. Rumor has it that it will be at the end of January. Let's wait and see.

  • air-max-1-reshape
  • air-max-1-version-20172
  • air-max-1-version-20173

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